Finca Experimental Chéel

Finca Experimental Chéel is among the most remarkable private properties in northern Guatemala. With hilltop views of two tropical lakes, 10 acres of mature native forest, a fruit forest, polycultures and much more, it may come as a surprise that the farm’s owner of 43 years never learned to read or write. Despite a humble upbringing, Don Rigoberto and his son Walter (Pulga) García, who is a National Park ranger, are enthusiastic conservationists and hosts to local farmers and international visitors interested in practicing sustainable and regenerative farming. Finca Experimental Chéel with its agroforestry chickens and cows is an example of how to farm without cutting down forest. Clearcut cattle ranching is the principal cause of deforestation in the Maya Biosphere Reserve, so this farm is exceptionally important in the movement toward longterm solutions to humankind’s demand for land development.

In 2020, the Jaguars Youth Group was formed by Walter García , his wife Lilian, and their siblings to teach environmental education to their children, nephews, nieces, neighborhood kids, and children from nearby villages. During the pandemic, with local schools closed and all learning done remotely. The Conservation Jaguar Kids, as they are known, grew to be much more: fulfilling all the kids’ physical education requirements, helping them with homework, and even receiving donations for food and supplies including two iPads for the kids to study and do research. At every major Jaguars activity, food and drink is provided, and the group grew quickly from 6 to 40 kids within 1 year. Walter and his family are incredibly proud to share their farm and resources with these children in need, and we are so happy to help sponsor their work!

Integrated Sustainability for Milk Cows at Finca Experimental Chéel

  • 500 egg laying chickens under fruit trees, fodder trees, and native hardwood tree forest
  • 5 acres silvopasture for a herd of milk cows divided into paddocks of forested pasture and tall tropical forest
  • 10 acres of mature native forest where cows free range, branches of Maya Breadnut trees (Ramon, Brosimum alicastrum) are pruned sustainably and given as forage
  • 2 acres of mixed forage banks, 70% Cuba OM-22 (Pennisetum purpureum x Pennisetum glaucum) high efficiency cattle grass, 30% False sunflower (boton de oro, Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.)) and the leguminous tree Leucaena (Leucaena Leucocephala)
  • 2km of live fences composed largely by cattle forage tree madrecacao (Gliricidia sepium), in addition to piñon and gumbo limbo trees (Bursera simaruba)
  • 1 acre Food Forest with avocado, mango, coconut, orange, Persian lime, creole lime, mandarin, cacao, tamarind, sapodilla, palm nut, banana, plantain, hog plum, sugar cane, and more
  • Native forestry species reforested through the farm include mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla), Spanish cedar (Cedrela odorata), chaltecoco (Caesalpinia velutina), machiche (Lonchocarpus castilloi), jobillo (Astronium graveolens), all-spice (Pimenta dioica), sapodilla (Manilkara zapota)
  • 1 acre polyculture agroforestry milpa system – varieties of corn planted in rows and pioneer annual and perennial species such as squash, beans, papaya, banana, plantain, yucca and sweet potato planted among tree saplings of mahogany, cedar, coconut, and avocado
  • Ancestral Mayan Permaculture gardens and stone structures
  • 2 Limestone caves on the property where we have unearthed ancient Mayan artifacts

Finca Experimental Chéel offers workshop trainings for other local farmers to adopt techniques based on our systems. We teach them through theory and practice, and provide all the seed and advisory we can to help new farmers adopt these ecologically and economically advantageous methods.

Finally, the project’s work would not be possible without our incredible international and domestic volunteers who experience the life and learn the skills of a Guatemalan small-scale cattle farmer. It’s a powerful experience for someone from a country where meat is always sold in the supermarket. If interested in volunteering, please see the following link to speak with our reservations manager: